A lifelong love of learning begins right here. Register now for one or both weeks of our creative learning summer enrichment program for 3rd - 12th grade.
AICL is designed for rising 3rd to 12th graders.
Campers can attend as a residential or a day camper.
An academic summer camp with classes designed to both introduce the novice and challenge the advanced learner. The classes are small, and our innovative teachers create an environment in which learning is fun and curiosity is rewarded. We offer a wide variety of courses, hoping to encourage our campers to choose subjects that may be outside of their comfort zone. Campers have the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities in the afternoon, then after dinner go to clubs and evening activities, which can range from campus-wide alien hunts to the disco.
Week 1: July 6 - July 12, 2025
Week 2: July 13 - 19, 2025
Mars Hill University, North of Asheville, NC.
For more information, check out Mars Hill’s website!
$590/week for day campers
$949/week for overnight campers
$300/week for Junior Counselors
For each week-long session, campers choose four classes (9:00, 10:30, 1:00 & 2:30)
7:45-9:00 ~ Breakfast & Morning Meeting
9:00-10:30 ~ 1st Period
10:30-12:00 ~ 2nd Period
12:00-1:00 ~ Lunch
1:00-2:30 ~ 3rd Period
2:30-4:00 ~ 4th Period
4:00-5:15 ~ Afternoon Activities
5:30-6:15 ~ Dinner
6:15-7:30 ~ Clubs
7:30-9:00 ~ Evening Activities
9:00-10:00 ~ Dorm Time
10:00 ~ Lights Out
This year, we were able to raise $4,000 for our 2025 camp scholarship fund, thanks to the generosity of our camp community during our End of Year Fundraising campaign. If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, we encourage you to fill out our scholarship form at the link below and register for classes as soon as they open, before you hear back about a decision, since our classes are first-come, first-serve.
More Info:
New to our program? Learn more by reviewing our camp policies or our Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to reach out to us with specific questions at operationsmanager@appalachianinstitute.org or 828-782-3299.

What kinds of classes are offered at AICL?
Thanks to the boundless creativity of our teachers, our exact curriculum changes year to year, with some camp favorites returning and many new classes taking shape. Every year you can expect to find a wide variety of music, crafts, science, art, athletics, performance, and writing classes for all ages. Our philosophy is that no matter the class, as long as teachers and campers are able to share joyful curiosity on a subject that sparks their genuine interest, it will inspire a lifelong love of learning, social connection, and excellence.
Here are some highlights from previous years...
- Ozobot Storybook Theatre with Matthew Coppola: Students learned how to program with Ozobots, then wrote and performed a short play using multiple robot actors.
- Post-Apocalyptic Acoustic Campfire with Phil Blank: Guitar players, songwriters, uke maestros, bassoon aficionados! All musicians, poets and storytellers were invited to construct a fun happening around an (imaginary) campfire.
- Backyard Apothecary with Rachael Burton: Campers explored the area for local edible herbs, trees, and other plants for wildcrafting, learning about the chemistry of plant medicine and exploring essential oils, soaps, and herbal first aid goodies.
- Let's Make a Video Game with Natasha Tylosky: Campers worked in teams to create their own 2D experience using Unity, a real time video game development platform, Photoshop to create realistic environments, and Adobe After Effects to bring the fantastic life.
- Movement Storytelling with Graham Marema: A dance, stretching, and movement class, campers collaborated to choreograph and tell a story through group movement.
- Poetry with David Dykes: Campers read and wrote poetry, learning to count the meter and make the rhymes, build the images, capture the moments and make their voices heard.
When do campers select their classes?
If you've registered with us before, we're doing things a little differently this year. Rather than picking classes when you register, we're going to send you a class registration form later this spring (probably sometime around April). This update will help us confidently finalize our class list before asking campers to select their choices, which we hope will reduce the amount of changes we need to make to our schedule, making the process smoother for both your family and for our administration team. Classes are still first-come, first-serve, and we will determine class selections based on the date of registration, so it is still important to register as early as possible. We will send a follow-up email asking your camper to make their class selections as soon as our curriculum is finalized.
Will my camper get their first choice?
We will ask your camper to select their first, second, and third choice classes. Classes are still first-come, first-serve, and we will determine class selections based on the date of registration, in an effort to keep the process as fair as possible. If none of your camper's top choices are available, we will reach out to you individually to help craft a schedule your camper is excited about.
Will my camper's classes take up their entire day?
Not at all! Classes are a big part of the AICL experience, and your camper will participate in four classes every day... but there are a lot of other activities that will make up your camper's day as well. Whether it's playing frisbee golf during afternoon activities, chatting in the dining hall, signing up for clubs with their friends, running from zombies during evening activities, or bringing out the board games and instruments during dorm time, your camper will have a full day of learning, laughing, and engaging with peers, no matter which classes they select.
Have questions or want to hear more about the types of classes we offer at AICL? Reach out to us at operationsmanager@appalachianinstitute.org or 828-782-3299.