Parent Information

Parent Information

Frequently Asked Questions


WHAT IS A TYPICAL DAY LIKE FOR A CAMPER? The day begins by heading to breakfast in the dining hall, followed by a camp-wide morning meeting to kick off the day ("Gooooooood morning, campers!" "Goooooood morning, Chad!"). From there, we'll head to our first two classes of the day, followed by lunch, then our two afternoon classes. Once classes are over, it's time to change and head to afternoon activities, which vary from day-to-day, but are usually something active, like Frisbee, soccer, or going for a stroll. Next, we'll head back to the dining hall for dinner, then depart for clubs. Clubs are a more relaxed period of time for campers to explore areas of interest, like playing board games, reading, crafting, playing music, or learning circus tricks. In the evenings, the entire camp comes together for a different evening activity. These vary each night, with some camp favorites being the Talent Show, Cowboy Night, the Disco, the Zombie Hunt, Photo Scavenger Hunt, and New Games. Campers then spend time in the dorms until lights out.

WHAT IS HOUSING LIKE FOR A CAMPER? Our programs are located on the beautiful Mars Hill University campus, so our campers and staff live in dorms. Residential campers are sorted into counselor groups based on age and gender, with one or two primary counselors per group. Each camper has one roommate, and counselors live on the same floor as their campers.

WHAT IS YOUR GENDER EXPANSIVE HOUSING OPTION? AICL has the goal of offering inclusive spaces for campers, including those in the LGBTQ community. During the registration process, you and your campers have the option of selecting interest in our gender expansive housing option, which is not restricted by gender. We are currently only able to offer this for high school age kids. You and your camper will have the option of choosing roommate preferences including no roommate, roommate with gender preference, and roommate with no gender preference. With this in mind, it is our policy that campers in a romantic relationship will not be permitted to share a room, and will be separated if a relationship is discovered or disclosed.

IS THERE AIR CONDITIONING? The dormitories do not have air conditioning, so we do advise campers to bring fans to keep in their rooms. Many classrooms are equipped with air conditioning, so often campers are still spending a good part of their day in cool buildings.

WHAT IF MY CAMPER HAS FOOD ALLERGIES OR SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS? When you enroll your camper, you will be able to let us know about allergies and dietary needs (like if your camper is vegan or vegetarian). Our camp eats all meals in the Mars Hill University cafeteria, who are notified of any allergies or needs. Staff are also notified of allergies.

CAN MY CAMPER HAVE SNACKS? Absolutely! While campers have plenty to eat, everyone is welcome to bring snacks or receive care packages with goodies they can keep in their room or in their book bag.

CAN CAMPERS ATTENDING MULTIPLE WEEKS STAY OVER THE WEEKEND? Yes! For a fee, campers can stay between programs. There will be scheduled activities, periods for rest, and opportunities to do laundry. There may also be optional weekend excursions available for an additional price.

MY CAMPER IS ATTENDING MULTIPLE WEEKS, BUT WANTS TO COME HOME FOR THE WEEKEND. WHAT DO I DO? Following the Saturday morning performances, your campers can check out with their counselor. If the enrolling parent is not the adult picking up a camper, please notify the directors in advance with the name of the approved adult (i.e. sometimes campers will go home with other campers to spend the weekend). Campers must check back in with their counselor by 4 pm Sunday afternoon.

WHAT IS YOUR VACCINE POLICY FOR IN-PERSON CAMP? We are committed to maintaining a healthy environment for our campers and staff while maintaining accessibility of our programming. For our 2024 season, while the SARS-COVID vaccination is not required to attend camp, it is strongly recommended, including booster doses as recommended by the CDC. We follow the immunization policy set forth by North Carolina public schools, and you can see our full list of required vaccines at our in-person policy guide. We reserve the right to make changes in our policy as necessary depending on the latest public health recommendations.


WHO DO I CONTACT IF I HAVE TECHNICAL ISSUES WITH REGISTRATION? You can direct all technical questions about registration to

DO YOU OFFER SCHOLARSHIPS? We do have a robust scholarship program to eligible campers in need of financial assistance, but the amount we're able to offer varies year to year. You can see our 2025 scholarship information here.

HOW DO WE SELECT OUR CLASSES? If you've registered with us before, we're doing things a little differently this year. Rather than picking classes when you register, we're going to send you a class registration form later this spring. Classes are still first-come, first-serve, and we will determine class selections based on the date of registration, so it is still important to register as early as possible. We will send a follow-up email asking your camper to make their class selections as soon as our curriculum is finalized, most likely sometime in April.

WHAT IS YOUR REFUND POLICY? A $50 deposit is required to reserve a spot for your child at summer camp. The deposit is applicable to the tuition. Tuition is, in the event of withdrawal, refundable (less $50 deposit) if written notice is received by the camp office by June 1. No refunds will be made after June 1, except in the event of documented physical illness of the camper or due to a significant hardship (death in the family, emergency, etc.). In such event, 50% of the unused portion of the tuition will be refunded. Upon written request, we will apply the unused registration fee and tuition to next year’s tuition.

Dismissal due to behavior: Campers dismissed from camp due to unacceptable behavior will not be issued a refund.


HOW DO I ARRANGE PICK UP OR DROP OFF AT THE AIRPORT? If you are interested in learning about our airport drop-off or pick-up policy, please reach out to us at

WHAT SHOULD MY RESIDENTIAL CAMPER PACK? A pillow, sleeping bag and/or sheets for a twin bed (keep in mind that sometimes dorm mattresses are a little longer than typical mattresses), clothes for an active week, bathing suit, toiletries, towels, wash cloths, two comfy pairs of shoes (in case one gets wet), sweaters/sweatshirts for cool evenings, raincoat or umbrella, sunglasses, reusable water bottle, light backpack, flashlight, and prescription medication with dosage guidelines.

Optional: Fan (dorm rooms are not air-conditioned), extra snacks for the evenings, toiletry caddy, outfit for the dance, sunscreen, bug spray, a notebook, and laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and a laundry basket for campers staying multiple weeks.

WHAT CAN MY CAMPER NOT BRING? We have a strict policy that campers may NOT bring cell phones, ipods, ipads, or computers- these items WILL BE CONFISCATED and returned at the end of camp. There may be exceptions (i.e. a camper has an online class and requires some access to a computer), but any exception requires the approval of the Directors prior to camp.

Additionally, campers may not bring unnecessary valuables (electronics, jewelry, etc.), any substantial amount of cash, weapons, pets, or cigarettes. These items will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Campers discovered with alcohol, drug paraphernalia, marijuana, non-prescribed prescription drugs, or any illegal substances may be sent home immediately without refund.

DO CAMPERS HAVE ACCESS TO LAUNDRY FACILITIES? Yes! The dorms are equipped with free washers and dryers, so no change is required. If your camper is younger or maybe not used to washing their own clothes, they can receive assistance from staff. If your camper is staying two or three weeks, they will be allowed time to wash clothes over the weekend. While there is often access to laundry soap, we advise campers bring their own just in case.


WHAT IS THE COVID TESTING PROCESS? We are no longer requiring negative COVID tests in order to attend camp, though we recommend PCR testing within 72 hours of arrival. For those who are traveling a distance, PCR testing is highly recommended so in the event of a positive test you can adjust your travel plans. Masks will be optional but supported.

WHAT IS THE CHECK-IN PROCESS? Check in will be the Sunday afternoon before each program begins. Our registration process will be staggered by LAST INITIAL to avoid crowds. Please do not arrive early. We will require that families stay in their cars the entire time for drop-off. Staff will help campers take their belongings to their dorm. See arrival times below:

  • 2:00-A-D
  • 2:30 E-H
  • 3:00 I-L
  • 3:30 M-Q
  • 4:00 R-Z

In order to decrease potential exposures to our camp community, family will not be allowed into the dorms. This means you will need to drop all your campers belongings off at registration and they will be assisted to their rooms by our staff.

WHAT IF MY CAMPER HAS MEDICATION? You will have the ability to enter any information regarding medication when enrolling your camper. When you check in at camp, you will have the opportunity to discuss your camper’s medications with their counselor and create a plan based on your camper’s particular needs.


I WANT TO DROP SOMETHING OFF FOR MY CAMPER. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO DO THAT? Please contact the administrator or directors at 1-828-782-3299 or and they will make arrangements to get the item to your camper.

HOW DO I CONTACT AICL DURING CAMP?  Our office phone is  1-828-782-3299 and our camp email is  We are mostly out and about with campers but we check messages frequently and will promptly return your calls.  We will be happy to let you know how your camper is doing and to answer any questions you have.


Camper Name, C/O AICL (Attn. Conferences & Events)

100 Athletic Street

Mars Hill, NC 28754

WHAT IS YOUR YEAR-ROUND ADDRESS? Year-round, our organization's address for checks or other mail items is 4015 Travis Drive Ste 211 #1201, Nashville, Tennessee 37211.


WHEN IS THE CLOSING CEREMONY? There will be an outdoor performance/ceremony in the amphitheater across from Huffman Hall starting at 10:00 AM on Saturday for all campers. For those only attending Week 1 OR going home for the weekend between week 1 and week 2, we require that campers remain with their counselor groups until after the ceremony and they are walked back to the dorm by staff. We will send information regarding the process for pick-up closer to that time.


WHAT IS A TYPICAL DAY FOR A DAY CAMPER? Campers will be dropped off at Pittman Dining Hall every weekday morning between 8:00 and 8:15 am to join the camp assembly, and will be met by an assigned day camper counselor. On Monday, plan to come earlier, between 7:45 - 8 (see below). Day campers will be tested for COVID upon arrival to camp each day. Campers will attend two classes in the morning, have lunch (which is included), and then two classes in the afternoon. They will then participate in afternoon activities, which may vary from day to day but will be something active, like swimming, hiking, or frisbee. Pick up will be at 5:30 pm each weekday, outside Fox Dorm.

HOW DO DAY CAMPERS CHECK IN FOR CAMP? We ask that Day Campers and their parents/guardians come to the front porch of Pitman dining hall on Mars Hill Campus between 7:45 and 8:00 AM on Monday to check in for the week. Please bring names of anyone who will be authorized to pick up your child during the week. For Tuesday through Friday, day campers will be dropped off at Pittman Dining Hall every weekday morning between 8:00 and 8:15 am to join the camp assembly, and will be met by an assigned day camper counselor. Parents will be asked to check them in, and check them back out in the evening. Day campers will be tested for COVID upon arrival to camp each day. We ask that parents wait for the test result to come back in the event the test comes back positive and the child needs to leave campus.

WHAT TO BRING EACH DAY FOR DAY CAMP:  Water bottle, good shoes to run around in, back pack, sunscreen, bug spray, sunglasses, camp folder, name tag, weather appropriate clothing, and any prescription medication with dosage guidelines.

WHAT NOT TO BRING FOR DAY CAMP:  Your child should not bring cell phones, ipods, ipads, computers, unnecessary valuables (electronics, jewelry, etc.), any substantial amount of cash, weapons, pets, cigarettes, alcohol, drug paraphernalia, marijuana, non-prescribed prescription drugs, or any illegal substances.

WHEN IS THE CLOSING CEREMONY? There will be an outdoor performance/ceremony in the amphitheater across from Huffman Hall starting at 10:00 AM on Saturday for all campers. We will send information regarding the process for pick-up closer to that time. Day campers and parents of all campers are invited to attend AICL closing ceremonies.